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Monday, August 26, 2013

The light at the end of the tunnel

Ternyata, jalannya masih berliku. Turunan terjal, tikungan tajam. Semester 7 pun berlalu, visa habis, dan harus part-time enrollment. Berikut email Peter di bulan April 2013. Meskipun cahayanya masih samar, tetaplah sebuah harapan.

Dear Taufiq, Here is my review of Ch 2 pp 7-11. The main point is 31 - I suggest a new section highlighting your contribution to theory in all the related areas. It seems the most important section of the thesis to me. I should finish the ch in the next few days, the last sections do not need so much thought. I'm not sure I put it in the notes up to 22, but there should also be brief discussion of the meaning of the nonsignificant paths in this ch.

Now I can see the light at the end of the tunnel..

Cheers, Peter

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